Yesterday, we went to the Christmas tree farm. It was so exciting because we haven't cut down a tree in forever and it is our first time cutting one down with Matty. We took a hayride out to the fields and roamed rows upon rows in search of the ONE. Matty loves the outdoors and had fun making his way through the maze of beautiful trees despite the cold. I swear, he was happy! I think he was just unable to form a smile because his facial muscles were too cold ;-)
We ended up bringing home a Concolor, which has longer, fatter needles and a bluish tint...I love it! We decked it out last night, including setting up a train to go around it. Speaking of trains, they are one of Matty's fav toys at the moment...he loves to say
choo train {almost as much as we love hearing him say choo train.}
One of my favorite parts of decorating the tree is looking at all of the ornaments I have acquired over the years; I adore Hallmark ornaments and couldn't resist adding this one to the collection for Matty:
Matty loves Curious George {or
Doorge as he says}. Multiple times a day, Matty can be heard saying "Doorge, Doorge" and that is our cue to put on Jack Johnson's
Upside Down vid featuring none other than Curious Doorge. I have been playing this video for Matty, here and there, for the past few months. I would say just in the past month though, he has become completely enamored with it. We watch it at least 10 times a day! This video habit has also made Matty love the guitar even more. We have two around the house because I have always wanted to learn, but haven't yet...maybe Matty will be teaching me one day! The past few months, he has taken an interest, but even more so now. He stands with the guitar, plucking the strings and dancing to the is the cutest thing. Ever. Seriously.
A little elf {not THE Elf on a Shelf because I'm still a little creeped out by him and do not think that Matty would understand the concept yet anyway} told me that Santa is bringing Matty a "Matty size" guitar, as well as the
Curious George movie, which includes the Jack Johnson vid...hoping to get some cute video footage of Matty rockin out on his guitar to the vid so I can share the adorableness with you all.
Happy Sunday. I'm not sure what the weather is like where you are, but if it's anything like it is here in NE PA, I'm sending warm snuggie filled wishes your way....brr!