Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"What's for Dinner?" Wednesday I Give up!

Ok, so as of late, I have failed miserably at "What's for Dinner Wednesday." I've decided to take the pressure off and scratch that idea. Whew...I feel less stressed already! I just don't necessarily cook something worth blogging every Wednesday and even when I do, I don't always get to blog about it on Wednesday evening and then one, two, three days roll by and it becomes a "What's for Dinner Wednesday" post on any day but Wednesday. But of course, I will still be sharing recipes that I have tried and those that I want to attempt, like this one:

Spicy Red Lentil Chili

This fantastic dish is brought to you by Wegman's, my favorite grocery store.  I discovered this chili a few years back while browsing the cafe section over my lunch break.  It will surely leave you warm and full, a perfect combination as the autumn chill sets in.  You can find the recipe here.  I hope to attempt it this weekend, because my sister-in-law {she loves it too} will be in town to run the NY Marathon {you go girl!} and I want to stuff her full of power food!     

1 comment:

Plain Jane said...

That soup sounds good, I'll have to try it too. Just popping by from Wednesday Welcome. :)